The seers saw me. The Horror Writers Association has shined a light on me and a trio of other authors. Thanks to Tish Booker, who I sufficiently disturbed to merit consideration. She clued in on themes that will find life in a new professional expansion. More on that later. For now, pull up a chair to The Seers Table
August 1, 2019 | Categories: Updates | Tags: afrofuturism, dystopia, Evolution, HWA, Novel | Leave A Comment »
The second book in the Revolution duology is out. As a special bonus to readers, for the next 3 weeks the ebook is available exclusively in an Afrofuturism storybundle. What’s the bonus? For $15 you receive Evolution, Revolution and EIGHT other Afro/African Futurism titles including a Tiptree winner, modern classic and Pan-African anthology of speculative fiction featuring African authors. You can find all of them right here.
Stay tuned for the print edition release in early June

May 19, 2019 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Book Launch, Books, Evolution, New Release, Novel, Rep War World, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction | Leave A Comment »

I’m pleased to announce a damn fine Afrofuturism storybundle. It includes work from or edited by Andrea Hairston, Nisi Shawl, Ayize Jama-Everett, Ivor Hartmann, Bill Campbell, Edward Austin Hall, Nicole Givens Kurtz, Milton Davis, and yours truly. Through the magic of anthologies, there’s also N.K. Jemisin, Nnedi Okorafor, Linda Addison, Victor LaValle, Tade Thompson, Charles Saunders, Jaymee Goh, Efe Okogu–and I shit you not–more. I couldn’t be in better company or more humbled by it. It’s available now and for the next 3 weeks with tiered pay-what-you-want pricing. Oh, and as of today Evolution, the sequel to R/evolution has been published and is included (print book to follow).
May 19, 2019 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Book Launch, Books, Evolution, Novel, novel-in-stories, R/evolution, Speculative Fiction, storybundle | Leave A Comment »
Dear Author has just reviewed, Smoketown and here’s a bit of the reviewer had to say:
“The characters each had not exactly a secret, but maybe a small mystery behind them, which are first hinted at and then revealed in each individual’s “song” which is played in the main symphony. I say “song” not because every character in the book was singing, but because at times the writing felt very musical and very passionate to me .
. . I truly did feel that the city of Leodaire was a living breathing thing in this book; the city which was still hurting from the traumatic event of its past and which finally started healing at the end of the book.
I really loved how the hope and darkness are both present in this story and that hope eventually prevails.”
The full review is available here.
April 30, 2013 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Dark Fantasy, Novel, Reviews, Science Fiction, Smoketown, Speculative Fiction | Leave A Comment »
Shewired has posted an excerpt of Smoketown on their site. You can check it out here.
May 1, 2012 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Book Excerpt, Dark Fantasy, Just a Taste, Novel, Science Fiction, SheWired, Smoketown, spec fic, Speculative Fiction | Leave A Comment »
Next week I’m off to WFC 2011 in San Diego. I’ll be launching the new mosaic novel R/evolution (due out 11.11.11) . My reading is @2:30.
Drop in after the Year in Fantasy panel with Datlow/ Hartwell/ Guran/Strahan, see me, and then on to Neil Gaiman’s interview. Doesn’t that sound lovely?
No? OK how about the Beautiful Monstrosities panel or Kapur or Grabien readings, then me, then Maureen McHugh. Still no?
I guess I’ll just leave it to you then. Explore your options.
October 19, 2011 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Indie Bound, mosaic novel, Novel, novel-in-stories, R/evolution, Reading, Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, World Fantasy | Leave A Comment »
People are starving, biogenetic adaptations are prevalent amongst the privileged, and the poor are being ground to a sharp and dangerous point. This is the future US where in the struggle for survival citizens are pushed to the breaking point as relationships start to fracture along the lines of class and race. These are stories of the leaders and the followers, the victims, heroes, and the everyday people caught in history’s wake, chief among them Dr. Ezekiel Carter, a genius in his field, who decides to offer genetic reparations to those being left behind. In this world, what will become of the people at the fringes and of humanity itself?
R/evolution (Book One), a novel-in-stories, will be released in ebook and print this Fall.
September 18, 2011 | Categories: Updates | Tags: mosaic novel, Novel, novel-in-stories, R/evolution, Science Fiction, Short Stories, Speculative Fiction | Leave A Comment »

invite people, meet new ones,

admire odd beauty,

eat yourself silly

and make your family proud.*

*while eating yourself silly
How’s that for motivation?
August 8, 2011 | Categories: Updates | Tags: Blue Lucy, Book Launch, Novel, R/evolution, Smoketown | Leave A Comment »

The city of Leiodare is unlike any other in the post-climate change United States. Within its boundaries, birds are outlawed and what was once a crater in Appalachia is now a tropical, glittering metropolis where Anna Armour is waiting.
An artist by passion and a factory worker by trade, Anna is a woman of special gifts. She has chosen this beautiful, traumatized city to wait for the woman she’s lost, the one she believes can save her from her troubled past and uncertain future.
May 20, 2011 | Categories: Bibliography, Fiction | Tags: Blind Eye Books, Books, Novel, Overdrive, Publisher's Weekly, Science Fiction, Smoketown, Speculative Fiction | Leave A Comment »